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Mikalange: Her Eyes Tell the Secret…

Mikalange: Her Eyes Tell the Secret…

If we covered her and couldn’t see anything except her eyes, we would know her automatically! This is funny, sweet, and mischievous Mikalange, who is a twin to Mika. These two were born in the mountains of Covant, one of the highest mountains we have ever worked in! Her mother, Madamn Mercilia, died soon after delivering the twins, as many mothers in Haiti do. Her father brought them to us, and Mikalange loves to “dress up and go to church!” She is currently learning the drums, which incidentally, are almost under our room. She loves to cook and play soccer and basketball, and the boys are all afraid of her!!! Ha! She wants to be a dentist!

Each evening, we have an “after school professor” help the older children with math, chemistry, etc. so they will do better in the higher grades. She is in the eighth grade now. We have taught all of our children… “Put Jesus first, and education second!” They are all “striving for a good education!”

I just love to see this girl smile… even when she is just cooking or washing dishes, she is always smiling! We all love Mikalange, but I’m glad there is just one of her! We love her… she brings us so much joy! – Sherry

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