It was about five years ago that we discovered Miliana while we were doing our Love A Child TV Program. I looked out across the field and there was a poor, malnourished little girl, with red hair and oozing skin sores. She looked like she had been a very abused child. We took her into our Love A Child Orphanage, with her stepmother’s permission. She suffered with malnutrition and a horrible skin disease. She was sent to the States and came back better but has since grown worse. She is “growing growths” from her body that look like small tree limbs! We think this is a disease, but we are not sure what it is called. Miliana is getting worse and needs to go back to the States. We will keep you informed about her progress. Please pray that we can find the right medication treatment for her. Sherry

Miliana desperately needs medical help in the States: 4-24-16 4:15 PM
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