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Miracle Church in the Village of Mud Cookies

Sapaterre is only one of the villages in Haiti that makes mud cookies to sell “when there’s nothing else to eat!”

We began a large feeding program here, held a Mobile Medical Clinic, then a large outdoor Crusade! All of this gave way to a beautiful Love A Child Church in Sapaterre! The Church now has a large protective wall around it, and they are building a nice outdoor toilet! (Praise the Lord for that!)

Pastor Joseph is the Pastor of this Church that is growing! They have had many Church Crusades and Children’s outreaches.

It all started when we began bringing “Feed My Starving Children Food!” It opened a “great door and effectual,” so we could minister to the people!

It is a miracle church!

We thank the Lord, and we thank Donnie and Debbie Click for all their help with the church, the musical instruments, and much more! God bless each and every one of you, partners, and when we all pull together, we can get the job done! Thank you!

Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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