This morning I took a doctor and a scientist from the University of Florida over to Farmer John’s slaughterhouse inside Gwo Maché Mirak (Miracle Market). Farmer John has the best beef, pork, chicken and goat head in Haiti!!!
This is a sustainability project helping Haitians. I love it when the very poor comes and buys with very little money… to buy, and then go and sell the same day, then buy more and resell. Farmer John also has large offers from Marriott and others. He is praying for a freezer truck. He will start a chicken processing plant all inside the market.
Tomorrow be watching for Poul Mirak Co-operatif (Miracle Chicken Co-op)!! What’s happening there? The chickens are praying! I’ll have more later about the University of Florida. Good things are happening!! PTL! We have a great bunch of very smart people, who will be able to help the Haitian people.
Bobby Burnette