The volunteer team members are with Bobby and Sherry in the mountains of Lastik, Haiti conducting a Mobile Medical Clinic this week. These mission trips are life-changing for both the Haitians that will receive medical care and the volunteer group. The team will travel with Bobby, Sherry and Love A Child staff members into the “regions beyond” where there are no doctors, nurses, or even one aspirin to treat a headache. The road to the village is rocky, steep and in some places nearly impassable. It is a rough trip! Long lines of Haitians in need of medical care will greet the team. The Mobile Medical Clinic is set up in the middle of nowhere and will have several stations to help move things along. Sherry with some of the medical professionals will first examine the patients. Then, depending upon the need, the patients will be sent to wound care, eye care and/or the pharmacy. As the Haitians leave the clinic, Bobby and other team members will be there to pray over each family. This is a quick look at a Mobile Medical Clinic and it brings relief to thousands of Haitians each year. Just like Saint Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” Please keep the Love A Child group and the volunteer team in your prayers this week. Would you like to join Bobby and Sherry on a mission trip to the “regions beyond?” Tammie Anderson – Love A Child Team Member

Mobile Medical Clinic in Lastik: 11-14-17 9:30 AM
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