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More Food For Hungry Families with Children in South Haiti

More food was just recently purchased in South Haiti for the victims who are still suffering from a lack of food, due to the last earthquake. Because it is so dangerous to transport it past gangs, we had to purchase all this food in an area near the earthquake victims to distribute to them.

All of Haiti is feeling the effect of gangs, but in South Haiti, they have not yet recovered from the last earthquake (even though there are no gangs in this area). The ones who suffer the most are the children.

The good news… We will soon be going to this area, to help distribute food. We have found a “safe way” to get there. We want to thank everyone who has given large and small… many gave tents to house the people until we could build them a “Gabion House.” These houses are still under construction and jobs have been created through this project. We want to thank you, our partners, for making this happen, with your sacrificial gifts, large and small, and widow’s mite. When we all put our hands together, the need will be met! God bless you, our dear friends, Bobby and Sherry

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