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More Fruits and Vegetables

More Fruits and Vegetables

Wilner just brought more fruits and vegetables to our Children’s Home from our Agricultural Training Center Sustainability Program! Beautiful! We have a three-week and a two-year program teaching Haitians how to grow and improve their crops, even in bad soil. “You can catch a fish and eat for a day, or teach how to fish you can eat for a lifetime”

Read below Wilner’s note to me. Look at all the fruits and vegetables he names.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

—–Original Message—–
From: Wilner Exil
To: Bobby
Sent: Wed, May 11, 2022 4:20 pm

Dear Big Boss. How are you; I hope you are always well because God always provides health and people who never tired of working for it.

Big boss look at these pictures. God always introduced to the ATC harvest. Today we have had a big harvest in the field of our work.

We start harvesting a new fruit, the name Breadfruit it is high in protein for Children.

Breadfruit( Lam Veritable)
Mango fruit

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