“The Rest of the Story.”
Yesterday, I shared the story of the young mother who came to our Birthing Center with her mother and mother’s friend. The young woman had twins, a boy and a girl premature, at seven months. She had the babies at home and didn’t want them, so she and the other two ladies brought them to our Birthing Center, wanting me to take them. The young mother never held the babies or even looked at them the whole time I was talking to her. She had told Nixon, our Birthing Center Administrator, “If Sherry doesn’t take them, I will throw them in the trash or leave them on the road to die!” While we were talking to her, one baby was near to death, minutes away. (I thought that was the boy, but it was the little baby girl that died.) We sent them all quickly to Petit Fre ak Se Hospital. The mother had such a horrible attitude.
Some of you thought it was one thing or another. This morning, Nixon told me he found out that the boyfriend left the young woman because he didn’t want the babies, and the mother was angry at the babies, because of her boyfriend! Well, he’s a rat, anyway! He wanted them to die, also. This morning, we are trying to find out what happened at the hospital. Did the ladies leave with the baby, or will the “grandma” stay to take care of the little boy? Hospitals here will not accept children or babies unless a relative stays to care for the child. I just wanted you to know “the rest of the story…” The case of an angry young mother who prefers her boyfriend to her babies! If I find out more, I will keep you posted. “I think I need to go to church, now.” Sherry