Just look at this sweet young boy with Poppie Bobby! Do you remember Moses? His story is incredible and you will not believe it, but we know God’s hand is upon his life. Moses was dropped in an old nasty Haitian outhouse at birth. His poor mother gave birth to him in an outhouse, dropped him down the hole and left him there to die, but God had other plans. An old Haitian man heard a baby crying and followed the cries to the outhouse, he managed to get Moses out of the hole and he took him to the charity hospital. Soon, Moses was brought to our Love A Child Children’s Home. He was just a skinny malnourished baby when he arrived, but we loved him, fed him and now look at Moses! He loves going to school to learn to read and write, and he loves praising the Lord. He is very smart and we believe he may one day be the President of Haiti. Thank you partners for saving Moses! Bobby and I are here on the mission field, but could not do any of this without all of you. May God bless each one of you! Thank you for changing lives in Haiti! Sherry

Moses Update – 12-22-17
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