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Movin’ on Up!

Movin’ on Up!

We just can’t believe that Samuel, Ada, Daniel, Yolanda, and Christian will be graduating from jr. high and moving up to high school! Just think, if it weren’t for the Lord, most all these children would have died… but, here they are, doing well in school, and going on to high school, and from there, to follow their dreams.

The children called a meeting with me last night. Samuel (on the far left, was the spokesman.) He said, “Mom, we want to know if we can go to a party that our school is having?” I went on to question him, very strictly… “Where is the party? What kind of party? Who will be the adults at the party? What will you be doing at the party?” and a lot of other questions. There are good teenagers in this area, and some, not so good.

I said, “Well, why do you have to have a party?” Samuel said, “Well, we will soon be taking the test to go into high school and it is a lot of stress. So, we need to have a ‘happy heart’ before taking the test.” I laughed… Our Pastor Leaders will be there with the children, and we will send “Bryon,” who is doing missionary work with us here at Love A Child. They will be in good hands… they are “moving on up,” but, they need to have “a happy heart,” in order to get there!!


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