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“Moving Forward”

“Moving Forward”

Jackson has been in Santo Domingo now for weeks battling an infection in his abdomen. He is desperately in need of a change out of his catheter. This catheter is crucial in the peritoneal dialysis process. The doctors have been unable to remove the catheter because of the infection. It seems like it has been one bad report after another.

But after several tests and examinations by the nephrologist, the surgeon, the hematologist, and the cardiologist, Jackson has been given the green light to have his catheter changed. This is good news! But this is also a risky situation. When they remove the catheter he must come off of dialysis for 2 or 3 days. The doctors want to try to do it next week.

Please continue to pray for Jackson! Please specifically pray that his body will be strengthened so that he can successfully undergo this procedure without delay. We are thankful for all of your prayers! You are a blessing.

Jesse Ostrander

Posted in Latest News