The Village of Madamn Bauje…
When Haitians live in a village area for a long time, and someone such as Madamn Bauje does work for the Haitians, creates jobs, or does something for the community, the Haitians call the village in the name of that person. Hence, “the Village of Madamn Bauje.”
We first visited this village years ago. It had a small church, which also served as a school. When we visited the school, the children were all sitting on the floor on cardboard pieces; their blackboard was also cardboard. They did not get any food at school. Our friend, David George, raised the money for the church (and a school) and bought large water tanks to hold water. What a difference it has made!!
We began to feed the mothers in this village and surrounding villages. These Haitian women work very hard all day to sell and provide for their families. When we ran short with our “Feed our Starving Children food,” we had to raise the money to buy another container of the Mega white rice. Of course, we also had those nice black beans we had bought!
Our workers took our big box truck to the village…but it had rained “very hard.” As in the other villages, the mud was so bad that our trucks could not make it…so, they walked! It was “mud and more mud, but plenty of smiles,” as they walked away with huge bags of food!!
Berry, the big guy, was one of the first “four children” we took into our first Love A Child Orphanage. Today, he has a family and children and works for us. He is over the distribution of food! Berry is sweet, but he’s “tough!” That’s just what we need!!
A special thank you to all our wonderful, caring partners who helped us buy the food for these precious people!!
Bobby and Sherry