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Mud Cookies Are Selling Out!

Mud Cookies Are Selling Out!

As Haiti declines, and mothers cannot get to the market to sell, the ones that are selling “mud cookies” are the only ones who are doing good financially.

Mothers are always looking for “something” to give their children to “crush the hunger pains.” We all know what it’s like to miss a meal or two… you feel that you are “starving.” But, you are in good health and you can make it to another meal.

My heart breaks for Haitian mothers and children… imagine looking into the eyes of their children and trying to figure out “what to feed them today.” (Especially when they have no money and the roads are blocked by gangs!)

They turn to “mud cookies!” While these mud cookies have no nutritional value and can kill a child who eats too many of them, these mud cookies, when eaten and washed down with water, will expand in the stomachs of the children giving them a “full feeling.” Meanwhile, the people making mud cookies have a thriving business on the stomachs of hungry children! These children are the reason Bobby and I have given our lives to Haiti.


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