This year, we are doing something different for Christmas here at our Love A Child Children’s Home. I told the kids that they would all have to sacrifice “something they loved more than anything else” for Christmas. I told them they cannot expect to be blessed unless they learn to give. They cannot give “anything with a wheel missing” or anything broken. They then have to give their best item. They must all choose their favorite toy, soccer ball, dress, a pair of shoes, etc. On Saturday, they will bring them all together and put these items in a big box. That big box will go with us to the garbage dump when we have a Christmas dinner and toy giveaway for all the children. They cannot have their “Christmas gifts” unless they learn to give to a child less fortunate. I talked to them today and they are all so excited about “giving.” I wish all of us adults would learn to be “excited to give” and “live to give!” We will keep you posted on the kids. God bless you, Sherry

New Christmas tradition for our children: 12-21-17 5:00 PM
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