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New Church for Madamn Adeline’s Orphanage:  3-15-18  8:30 AM

New Church for Madamn Adeline’s Orphanage: 3-15-18 8:30 AM

Look What God Did!!! This first picture is the “old ragged, torn, stick and tarp church” at Madamn Adeline’s. This is where all her orphans slept each night in this ripped-up tent church. Then, thanks to some of our partners, Dr. Pat, Debbie Click and their friends, a “beautiful new orphanage was built!!!” Special thanks to Mark Ostrander and his Haitian crew who did all this hard work!

Now, notice the new foundation going in and that is going to be their “brand new church!” Special thanks to David George and his partners!! This widow, Madamn Adeline, went up on a mountain every Monday, to pray and ask God for a new orphanage. Her little children had met in the “ripped-up church,” each morning, praying for God to give them a new church! (And, some people don’t believe in miracles!) Madamn Adeline and her children “know” that “only God” could do this! We give God all the Glory, and we thank all our friends and partners!!! Bobby and Sherry

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