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New Clothing for the Poor

We have been busy this morning packing new clothing to share with 90 other missionary organizations. These jackets, hoodies, T-shirts, blankets, etc., are all new and have been donated by our friends at World Vision and Living in Faith ministries! We are just “blown away” by this beautiful sportswear. We have held on to some of these items because we always keep things for disaster relief, but we just feel that the need is great, especially this time of year, for those who live in the mountains of Haiti where it is very cold at times. These large yellow sacks are full of new clothing, and the poor Haitians will appreciate them so much! Thank you, friends and partners, for always thinking of the poor!

God will richly bless you!

P.S. We are always in need of good black school shoes, any size, for boys, girls, and teens!

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