These two young men are Jean Fonel and Cimilien. They, along with their family that totals 17, just moved from the Truttier garbage dump of Cite Soleil, Haiti into two new beautiful houses, sponsored by Life Church, the Community Worship Center, and the Click Family. They have been in their new house for about a week. We are trying to find “sustainability work” for them so that they can take care of their families. They both know how to make “mattresses” like this one. A gift of $350 ($175 per person) would put both men into business with materials, transportation to get all these materials, plus everything they need to start their own business. If you would like to sponsor one or both of these young men, please call the Love A Child office today at 239-210-6107 and ask to speak with Rad. We will send you pictures of them “making their mattresses.” This would be a “food for life” project. Bobby and Sherry

New Family in Miracle Village Need Your Help: 8-30-16 4:30 PM
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