As many of you know, we are committed to building an orphanage for Madamn Adeline and her children. She has been “pastoring” in this ripped and torn “church” that many of her children sleep in at night because they have no orphanage. We have paid half of the deposit on the land for the new orphanage and worked hard on the survey, and land documents, which move slowly in Haiti, especially during any Holidays! This week, we will be paying the rest of the land off, and then Pastor Mark will start with the “foundation” of a beautiful new orphanage! Special thanks to Dr. Pat Webster and Debbie Click and their partners for doing much of the fund-raising for this new orphanage! Love is Something You Do! Bobby and Sherry

A New Orphanage for Madamn Adeline: 3-12-17 12:00 PM
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