On the morning of April 18th, Bobby, Pastor Mark Ostrander, and a construction boss will all be going to Madamn Adeline’s land to begin plans for the new orphanage and the foundation. By this date, we should know the exact cost of the new orphanage. Madamn Adeline has been living with her “orphanage children” sleeping in a tattered and torn church and mud hut because they have no place to live. Thanks to some of our Love A Child partners, the need is being met to build a “brand new, beautiful orphanage, with its own water supply.” Once Pastor Mark, Bobby and the Haitian boss meet, it will just be a matter of a few days to get the materials on the land to build the foundation! We want to thank our precious partners and give Glory to God for “hearing the cry of a poor woman and all her orphan children!” Bobby and Sherry

New Orphanage for Madamn Adeline: 4-8-17 9:35 PM
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