Our newest Love A Child television program, “Mud Cookies 2020,” begins airing tomorrow night on Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and will continue throughout the week. Join the Love A Child camera crew as they travel to Sapaterre, Haiti, and capture a first-hand view of villagers of all ages making thousands of cookies out of mud, that children and pregnant mothers all over Haiti eat to stay alive. You will witness the extent of true poverty as you watch destitute fathers dig deep underground to unearth the rock they use to make these mud cookies; as you watch young children literally eat dirt to quell the pain of hunger; as you watch a pregnant mother bite into rocks to keep her unborn baby alive for another day. You will hear directly from the voices of the children of Haiti how the mud is the only thing they have in their poor village; it is the only existence they have ever known. As Sherry says, “these are the things that break the very heart of God.”
Love is something you do!