We all just arrived home safe here at Love A Child around 3:00 PM. As we came in today and crossed the border into Haiti, no one was on the roads.
All our children were so happy!!! Thank you for your prayers. The first thing I heard was, “Dad we are almost out of diesel to run our water pump, Children’s Home, Jesus Healing Center, Birthing Center, Malnutrition Center… everything on our compound.”
PTL! Our new medical staff housing is solar! Our children’s home can run off of solar at night. In the future, we must have 100% solar here at Love A Child.
Any minute, any day we will lose touch with you. Many cell phone towers already have shut down due to no fuel. Many of our missionary friends… we can’t call right now. They have already lost all power and communication. The gangs have stopped the fuel trucks from delivering diesel and gas, again today!
The 17 Mennonite Missionaries have not been released yet. We are very sad and are praying for them, their families, and Christian Aid Ministries.
To tell you the truth, I don’t know how it can become much worse here.
The gangs are running Haiti. They control Haiti…
If you don’t hear from us, it means we are off the grid…
We love you…
Bobby and Sherry