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News and Haiti Update: 

On Thursday, we had a wonderful Love A Child Board Meeting in Fort Myers, Florida. We meet 4 times per year. We have men and women on the board who have wisdom and love for the Haitian people. We are thankful to the Lord and our friends… who are strong and the Lord is blessing.

Yesterday morning at 6:00 a.m. Sherry and I had plans to drive over to the Miami Airport and fly into Haiti. We were warned not to fly into Haiti. They said, “the road out to us in Fond Parisien is much too dangerous.” Now, we are heading over to the Orlando, Florida airport tomorrow, making plans to travel into Haiti through “the back door.”

Haiti is at a level four warning, the highest you can have due to kidnappings, robbing people, and shootings. The State Department warns Americans not to travel to Haiti. The gangs control whole sections and communities. They have brought great desperation to the Haitian people. Poor families, children, and business communities are suffering. Thousands of Haitians have left Haiti in fear of their lives.

Many poor Haitians (several thousand) had to flee their homes in fear of their lives. Please pray for Haiti. Please pray for the gangs… This must stop! Seems like “those who have the power to do something, do nothing! This storm will pass in time.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

P.S. On a good report… Little Jasson (Jackson) made it through his surgery yesterday, which will prepare him for dialysis. This morning, we talked to him on the phone and he is doing exceptionally well! God is good! Thank you for your prayers…

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