“Zo Kiki”
With four children already, Monique and Jonas Louis were expecting another child. But Monique died in childbirth. The baby that was born was named Nazalie. Her father could not afford milk to feed her as a baby, so he brought her to us. I really thought that “Nazalie” was not a pretty enough name for such a beautiful baby. My nickname for her became Rachael. She has grown into a beautiful little girl. Her sisters call her “Zo Kiki.”
Nazalie loves to cook, iron, and dance! She is a member of our Praise Dance Team. She recently developed a really bad skin infection on her head, which became oozing sores. Nothing could make it go away. But I had seen plenty of this in my Mobile Medical Clinics and made up my own “concoction.” The bad infection is gone and her black hair is coming back! The best thing is that school is almost starting!!
We love Nazalie and all our children!