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Love A Child

NFL superstar football players

It’s been a busy day! This morning Sherry, Kaeli and the team went to give over 300 families living at the garbage dump their monthly food. Sherry will bring you a short report on this later. “Love Is Something You Do!”

I went early this morning to pick up Joel Trimble at the small airport. Then we went over to the VIP Diplomatic Lounge to pick up David George and five current NFL superstar football players. Thank you Joel for all your help with this. Then Joel flew straight back to Cap-Haïtien.

We have been busy all afternoon. In the morning, we will travel high up to Peyi Pouri to feed the children. Good news… the NFL football players will be with us at our Fond Parisien Church tomorrow evening at 7 PM. Derek Carr, the quarterback for the Oakland Raiders, will preach his first sermon tomorrow evening at Love A Child in Fond Parisien! We hope you can come and meet everyone.

Mayor Polynice, the Deputy of Congress and his singers, along with many others will be there. Wait until your hear our African team sing tomorrow night! Wow!!! The glory will come down! Bobby and Sherry

May the Lord give us a harvest of souls! (Pictures and the names of everyone coming later…)

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