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Noah… His real name is Noah Burnette Pierre (the organization in Haiti that is over abandoned kids is the one who chooses their name). He got Burnette, but they tagged on “Pierre!”

Noah was one of the babies who was abandoned at our front gate in the weeds! (To the left of our security is a patch of uncut weeds.) Somehow, someone dropped him off without our Security guards seeing him..

When we took him to our clinic, he was nearly bald from malnutrition. He had burn marks on his body and other marks to show that he had been beaten and abused. He also had “bite marks!”

Apparently, his “family” may have been involved in Voodoo!! It took a long time before he realized that he “was in safe hands!”

Finally, Noah realized he was in “our hands!” He began to fit right in! He is in grade two and is very intelligent!

He is a good worker and always wants to please!

He is a whiz at soccer and dominoes!! His goal in life is to be a mechanic!!

On the downside, he can’t dance worth a flip!! So far, he has not mastered the rhythm that most Haitians have!! Ha! I hope his mechanic work will be better than his dancing… (and singing!) Ha!

Noah is sweet, smart, and hard-working, and we all love him.


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