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One Small Meal Goes A Long Way

One Small Meal Goes A Long Way

Here in Haiti, the majority of the poor try to have “one small meal” a day. This may be a small portion of rice, corn-meal, or something else, but they never eat three meals a day.

With coronavirus in Haiti and some gangs taking over in places, many times it is difficult to try to sell items in order to get food. Just imagine that a large percentage of the population of Haiti, do not have jobs. Many live off the land or try to live off the land when there is less than 5% of trees left.

They are so thankful to have “one decent meal,” especially on Sunday! These little children are under the care of “Pastor Harry,” a friend of ours who receives food from us each month. We wish we could do so much more, but we do all we can. We do what we can do, and let God do the rest.

Thank you, partners, for helping to feed these little children, Bobby and Sherry

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