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Our Burden is Light…With a Little Help from Our Friends

We are on our way to Madamn Adeline’s orphanage. She and her children were living in a “mud-and-stick” shack (all 30 of them) until we met! God gave us a great burden to help her. Later, we found out that she had been going up on top of a high mountain each Monday to pray for help and to have a home for the children! God answered her prayers with the help of two of our friends, Dr. Pat and Debbie, and their friends. She now has a beautiful orphanage! Special thanks to Pastor Mark, the volunteer team from Washington, and the Haitian staff who made all those trips there and did all that hard work! The Haitians say, “anpil men, chay pa lou…” “With a lot of hands, the load is not heavy.”

Be sure to check back later for sweet pictures! We are taking food and toys and clothes! God bless you!!

Bobby and Sherry

P.S. Special thanks to David George and his friends. Madamn Adeline also got a brand new beautiful church!! Ain’t God good!!!

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