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Our Dieuferly…

It’s hard to believe that this young man, who has been with us since he was a baby, has turned into an entrepreneur! He now works for us as a photographer, but also has his own “photography business.” He has his own little snack bar, which will soon be a little restaurant. He also has a “chicken business,” “a wholesale business,” and now he has a “pig business!” He gets his “brothers and sisters” to invest with him! God has given him a gift to succeed!

He loves “helping the poor, working with his brothers, and helping his Mom and Dad.” He is kind, humble, and loves Jesus and the poor! That’s all we could ask for.


PS: He has a sweet and beautiful girlfriend, Fabiola, whose parents brought her out on the “Biden Plan.” When we asked Dieuferly why he didn’t go, he said, “I couldn’t leave Mom and Dad.” Everyone who meets him loves him.

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