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Our Jean Richard…

Jean Richard is a handicapped young man, who came to stay with us right after the 2010 earthquake. The orphanage where he was staying was crushed and those responsible had to find places for the children. We were blessed with Jean Richard.

He finished High School here in Haiti, and thought he wanted to study business and accounting at University Province, but that was not “his thing!” Jean Richard is gifted in music! So, he found a music school in Port-au-Prince, called Ecole Professionelle Methodist. Here, he is learning about music and sound systems. He loves it!!!

At first, we were worried about sending him with his handicap, but this did not hold him back! He loves the Lord, has a wonderful outlook on life, and is sweet and kind to everyone! When he’s here at Love A Child, he teaches the other children drums, keyboard, and bass guitar. He doesn’t think of himself as being handicapped… he thinks of himself as being “blessed!” We all love him and want the best for him.


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