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Our “Jesus Healing Center…”

Our “Jesus Healing Center…”

Our medical staff is made up of the most wonderful, caring people you have ever met.

Every morning, after prayer and devotions, triage begins. We know that a lot of people have come from many miles around, carrying their small children.

We realize that when we see these people, they have come many miles on foot, by tap-tap, by donkey, and in any way they can. The majority of these people carry children in their arms. Many of these people have had to cross gang areas to get here. Our staff is kind, understanding, and always ready to go the “extra mile!”

It’s hard enough to look for food, but when a mother is sick, the whole family suffers.

We usually see about 100 people a day unless the roads are blocked. Even at that, seeing 100 people that can make the journey through “gang territory” means that each person would have had to “pay” something to the gang to get through.

People come as far as three or four hours to our clinic… some come from the mountains, on foot or by donkey or motor… others come from Port-au-Prince, paying what little they have to the gangs to let them go through… The patients say, “the sacrifice is worth it!” They get consultations, labs, and all their medicines. And they leave the clinic with a “load lifted from their shoulders.”

We wish to thank our partners for “putting their hands to the plow” to build this wonderful building, and we wish to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries – Hand of Hope for their monthly support for our Jesus Healing Center.

“Love is Something You Do.”

Bobby and Sherry

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