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Our “Jesus Healing Center – Tender Loving Care for the Poor”

Our “Jesus Healing Center – Tender Loving Care for the Poor”

Luke 10:30-35 tells the story of the “Good Samaritan,” who came across a poor man, who had been beaten and had all his goods stolen and he was left for dead. Along came a good man from Samaria, hated by the Jews… “And he, the Good Samaritan, went to him (the man who was beaten), and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine.”

Haiti is the “poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.” Food and medicine are the two worst problems we have. There is no “Government help” for free food, or medical care, as there is in the States. Everything costs money… When you have no food, you are too weak to do “even the smallest jobs.” When you are sick, you cannot provide for your family.

Our old “Jesus Healing Center,” was too small to accommodate all the sick people. They would have to stand in line, outside the wall, and wait till we opened. Even then, there was not enough seating for everyone. We later found out that the bad people would come in line first, and “sell their position” to someone who really had to get to the doctor. Sometimes, pregnant women, who came to see the doctor because they were sick, would have their baby “in the yard, on the ground,” before they could get to see a doctor.

We had no “first-class” ER room or Wound Care room. Now, we are full all the time. There are burn victims, people in accidents, gun-shot wounds, explosions, skin infections, malnutrition, and everything you can think of. They come here first, and our doctor examines them to know if we can treat them or send them to the hospital. We have our own Triage, LAB, and Pharmacy, which is a blessing! If we have to send someone to another Hospital, we try to help in whatever way we can. The patients leave with their exams, and their medication, which would normally cost money in Haiti.

The best thing is that we have a full-time Pastor, praying over all the sick. We start the morning with prayer, and prayer over a large book that contains the names of all those who gave to this project.

Our Pastor takes time with the sick and those who come to the wound center and the ER. We reach out with a heart of compassion to the poor. We are thankful to our partners who sponsored the Jesus Healing Center Clinic and so thankful to Hand of Hope – Joyce Meyer Ministries for their monthly support of the Jesus Healing Center!

Missionaries Bobby & Sherry Burnette

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