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Our Latest Project

Our Latest Project

When the earthquake hit southern Haiti on August 14th, with your help, we distributed tons of rice, beans, cooking oil, and condensed milk. Then, we all went back in and distributed hundreds of tents to those who had lost their houses in the earthquake. Thank you…

Our latest project the Lord has put upon our hearts is to build as many as possible of these beautiful Gabion houses. They have three bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen. (The reason for the three-bedroom house is that most Haitians have a large family, and in addition an extended family… a Grandma, Grandpa, Cousins, etc., who also need a place to stay.) The house can withstand the next earthquake and possibly hurricanes.

Each house is costing $9,000, with a front porch. By faith, I have signed a contract with the construction company for the first 100 houses, which is $900,000. I’m asking you to please pray and help. Any amount will be a great blessing! Please pray what the Lord would lay upon your heart to give. Some people already have given the whole amount of $9,000 to build a house in honor of someone special. This year is almost over, and your gift is tax-deductible.

We are working on the first 10 houses right now, and starting 20 more houses this week! I love this project because all the materials are local, plus we are using local labor. Haitians need jobs, especially with what they are going through now. You will be receiving pictures of your family moving into your house!

Southern Haiti, where the houses are being built, has no gang activity. We just received these pictures yesterday. They told me the workers are working 7 days a week, and not stopping and sleeping on the job site. I wish they would take Sunday off, but everyone is too excited! They said, “The ox is in the ditch!”

Thank you for your help… our office number is (239) 210-6107, and ask to speak to Rad, or just put it on your credit card. You may also give online at, or our mailing address is Love A Child – 12411 Commerce Lakes Drive, Fort Myers, Florida, 33913.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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