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Our Sweet Bianca

Our Sweet Bianca

She’s in her last year of high school, Philo. 19-year-old Bianca Loseau is beautiful but timid. She is always in her room “studying,” but she will do anything that is asked of her. This picture was taken yesterday, during George’s wedding. She was one of the bridesmaids. She is just as pretty in a baseball cap as she is, in a gown.

Bianca and her siblings were brought to us by their aunt when she was a young girl. Her aunt told us that her parents drowned when their boat capsized, leaving Haiti for the states, but we have no way of proving this is true.

Her sister, Ada is with us, as is her younger brother, Raphael. Bianca loves to cook when she is not studying, but she has a beautiful voice… she is very shy. She looked so beautiful when she was at George’s wedding, as one of the bridesmaids. But, she is as intelligent, as she is beautiful. Her dream is to be a surgeon and sets the bar high. Bianca loves the Lord and we are blessed to have her as one of our own, Sherry

P.S. Her nickname is “krapo,” (frog) because she has such big eyes!

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