Ever feel that you have been “outnumbered?” Maybe someone is taking you to court, and you feel you don’t have a chance? Or someone is giving you a hard time on your job and you feel like you are “outnumbered?” We all have faced that feeling once in a while…
In the last few years of living in Haiti, with gangs everywhere, we are definitely “outnumbered!” There is hardly anything on the news at night about what’s happening here in Haiti. It seems that no one wants to get involved. We, as missionaries, have learned to live from day to day and trust in the Lord. There are so many hundreds of gangs, and all of them have AK-47s and M-16s… but, we have the Word of God!
There is a story in the Bible in II Chronicles about a king called Asa. Even though he prepared his army for a great war, he found himself “outnumbered!” But, when God is on our side, we are “never outnumbered!’ Be sure to read the Word from the Mission Field tomorrow morning to find out what happened to King Asa! Have a great day!