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Widlene’s Letter

Dear Friends and Partners, thank you for your love and devotion to our work here in Haiti. The greatest sacrifice we have made has been “being away from our two children and grandchildren” on Holidays, Birthdays, etc. This sweet letter is from Widlene, one of our older girls at our[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Helping God Out.” In Genesis 15, God spoke to Abraham and gave him a promise that he should have a son and his heirs “shall be as stars in heaven.” But, in the next chapter, Sarah, seeing she had no child yet, decided that Abraham should have a child with[…]

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Zachary… Gotcha!

Little Zachary knows he’s not supposed to be near the Christmas tree, especially, if it has candy canes on it!! I think one of the kids took his picture! Looks like he was “caught with his pants down,” as we used to say when we were kids… getting in trouble!![…]

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Update on Travel

Sherry and I landed in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, yesterday afternoon. Today we will be attending the funeral of Reverend Dr. Roy Smith, the pastor of Shrewsbury Gospel Temple. Dr. Roy was a long-time dear friend and was on the board of directors of Love A Child. He was such an inspiration[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“I set my face as a flint.” “For the Lord will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded; therefore have I set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be ashamed.” Isaiah 50:7 This prophecy came forth out of the mouth of the Messiah[…]

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Christmas Skit… More Pictures!

Hi Everyone! These are some more of the children’s pictures doing their “Christmas Skit”! They “loved” doing this as you can see!! Even the donkeys were happy! Haitian children are very artistic! They are gifted in being given “nothing” and making “something beautiful” out of it! Thanks to Dieuferly for[…]

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Children’s Manger Scene

Dear Friends, We are so blessed with these wonderful children at our orphanage! They decided to do a “Manger Scene” outdoors! We want to thank Dieuferly, and we thank God for his talent in picture-taking and so much more!! He is such a blessing!! The kids made all these costumes[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7 Apostle Paul said these words. I’ve gone too far to turn back now! It’s important to stay on course, keeping our eyes on Jesus. So many circumstances and[…]

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Older and Wiser… Wilguens

Well, here we have “Wilguens!” He is an unusual, young boy. This 11-year-old acts “older and wiser,” than the other kids. In fact, all the kids call him “Grandpa!!” He is the brother of Fabiola, who is also at our orphanage. Wilguens is very “intelligent” in school and makes good[…]

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Last week I posted the post below asking everyone to pray for the Mondisir family who lost their house in a fire. I did not mention how much it would cost to build a new larger house for the family. Pastor Karen, head of the Missions Department, called the office[…]

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