We wish to thank our friends at International Aid for the wonderful donation of brand new sheets, pillowcases, towels, and many other items. We feel so blessed and have more to share with others! God bless you, International Aid, for all your gifts in the past!!! Bobby, Sherry and the Children of Haiti
I would like to continue Sherry’s thought from yesterday morning about “despise not small things.” How a lot of people want to start with the big things only. I remember when I came to the Lord when I was 16-years-old and was set on fire! In my mind, I could see myself being a big...
Helping Haitians help themselves is what our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) is doing! The ATC is planning a new three-week residential training and internship program where villagers can be sponsored to come live, train and work at the ATC. Our first Sustainable Agriculture Extension Training session is tentatively scheduled for mid-June and we already have...
Wow! We just received a generous blessing from Jean Woods and K-Ville ladies. Birthing Kits!!! These are greatly appreciated by poor mothers who come to our Maternity Clinic. The kits contain baby blankets, baby hats, booties, lotions, safety pins, and more. Our doctors take care of pregnant mothers until they are ready to have their babies....
“Despise not the Small Things…” Sometimes, we are so fixed on the “big things” that we overlook the small things. Each day, God does “big things” and “small things” for us. We had a ministry friend who had “great talent.” He could sing and play the organ, and had a wonderful talent. He talked to...
As of today, we have raised the money for 30 new houses at $4,200 each, for the cave people. By faith we will build 20 more! Joel Trimble’s people are working hard this very minute laying the block foundations and building the houses. In two weeks, Sherry and I will travel there to give you an update...
Latest News: What's Happening Right Now? We are in the process of building a Love A Child Orphanage for Madame Adeline up in the mountains near Sapaterre, where they make mud cookies. Thank you, Dr. Pat and your friends for sponsoring this project. We are building a large Love A Child School for several hundred children...
“The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.” Psalm 18:2 &...
We just had to share this story with you... Do you ever feel that your "giving" doesn't count? When we all put our dollars together and become "one" as the Body of Christ, we get more done! We don't care "who gets the credit,” as long as the children get fed. This story came from...
"Turn Your Face to the Wall…and Pray!" How would you feel, if a "man of God," a "prophet of God," came to you and said, "set your house in order for you will die and not live!" That is a "death sentence." This is what happened to King Hezekiah in Isaiah 38:1-7. Isaiah, the prophet...