Yesterday, the Hand of Hope team from Joyce Meyer Ministries treated hundreds of people in La Roche, where we have a Love A Child Church. There were two severe tooth abscesses, one even had "lock-jaw," which the dentist was able to massage and completely adjust it. There were also several severe infections. When missionaries travel with...
"Praise him with the timbrel and the dance…" Psalm 150:4 - When Bobby was 16, he accepted the Lord. His life was changed from head to toe. He used to shut the door of his room and sing and dance before the Lord. One day, the woman who was raising him (who hated God) looked...
We welcome Mark Ostrander to Haiti today. He is on our Board of Directors and this is about his 400th trip to Haiti! When he comes, he works from daylight until dark each day. Mark is a true hero of the faith!!! We also welcome our friend Oriol to Haiti today. His many trips to...
Our hearts are so happy when we see hungry little children eating hot plates of food! Love A Child is able to help other orphanages each month with food, because our partners sacrifice to bring this food all the way to Haiti! Your gifts go all over Haiti feeding hungry children. These children are from...
“You are always on His mind…” “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.” Psalm 139: 17-18 – He knew you before you were born....
Early this morning, the Joyce Meyer Ministries—Hand of Hope team visited our church in Fond Parisien. Afterward, they began the job of packing and labeling medicines. They had lots of help from our interpreters and older children from our orphanage. Tomorrow, they will be traveling into the interior for their first day of a Mobile...
This is just a portion of the crowd that came to our Love A Child Church in Fond Parisien this morning. Haitians always wear their best to church. Praise the Lord. Bobby and Sherry
"The Power to Bind and Loose." Many churches don't talk about this, because they have become so "modernized" that they don't know anything about "evil spirits" and the power to bind them." Jesus said, "Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in...
The Joyce Meyer Ministries—Hand of Hope Team has just arrived here at Love A Child in Fond Parisien, Haiti! They will be conducting Mobile Medical Clinics this week and blessing the poor! Bobby and Sherry
We are looking forward to the Joyce Meyer Ministries—Hand of Hope team arriving today! They will be having three different Mobile Medical Clinics in areas that badly need medical attention. So many Haitian families and children will be helped. Many will come to Jesus! There will be pictures and reports later. Love is something you...