This is Bianca, Daniella and Lovely. (left to right) Bianca lost her parents years ago when they got on a Haitian boat, trying to make it to the States. Daniella is a twin, who lost her mother while birthing a third baby that also died. Her father abandoned Lovely on the street after her mother...
Early this morning, Bobby is leaving for Jérémie to visit the people and children living in the cave. He will be taking them food and Creole Bibles. Imagine how these poor people would feel, if they could go outside the cave and read their very own Bibles!!! These Bibles and food will give them Hope,...
"Jesus Changes Everything!" When Jesus arrives on the scene, things change. The lepers are made whole, and He speaks the Word and the Centurion’s servant is made whole. At the sound of His voice, the great storm at sea becomes calm. Those who were possessed with devils, bound with chains, and abiding in the tombs,...
The Lord has opened many doors in new villages for us to feed starving children like these. These areas are difficult to get to, and it is hard to control all of these children, who are so hungry for food. It takes a lot of wisdom from God. Please pray for Love A Child, so...
Bobby and I want to give God all the Glory for the "great things He hath done." When we first moved to Haiti, more than 26 years ago, we were the poorest missionaries in Haiti! For our first three years, we had very, little electricity, and drove junk trucks that always "broke down in the...
This precious little girl is Jolina Louis, and she was born into a very large family in Savaan Roche, which is way up in the mountains in the “Regions Beyond.” Her father was murdered, and her mother could no longer take care of her and her other eight siblings. She was brought to our Love...
"God Will Burn That Bridge." In Exodus 14, we see the famous story of the Israelites and the miracle of the Red Sea. You know the story. There was only "one way out," to get away from Pharaoh and his army. They were chasing the people of God, who ended up facing the Red Sea...
These photos just came in from Wilner, the head of our Love A Child Agricultural Training Center. We are so proud of him and all the workers. Thank you, Chapin Living Waters, for all your help and visiting us here in Haiti. Our new bunkhouse will be finished soon and open for future Agricultural Training...
"Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58 — Keep pressing on! Everything that you do for the Lord is for a reason. Never give up! God bless you! Bobby
This little Haitian family has moved into their new home! Their house burned down in Miracle Village a few months ago. God bless Mark Ostrander, the project manager, and the volunteer team that came all the way from the state of Washington. These volunteers also raised the money to rebuild this house. Thank you Graham, Terri, Jacob, Jeff,...