Update: This is the house of the little girl we fell in love with, Rosemitha. You may have seen her on our TV program awhile back. Her home was destroyed by a horrible storm. You can see her family sitting among the rubble of their collapsed home. We started rebuilding "by faith" but lacked the...
We are so blessed to be able to share the food we receive from Feed My Starving Children with many other orphanages like "Heart's Cry." Just look at the great way they add fresh vegetables and other things to this food! When we first moved to Haiti, Bobby and I tried in vain to get...
We want to let you know that the need for "Rosemitha's house" has been met!!! Wow, Lord!!! That was mighty fast!!! God bless our partners, David and Angie George, and their partners, for sponsoring this house to be finished for Rosemitha! We will have pictures coming when it is finished! Wow! What a great God...
“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 – God cannot bless those who “give” and give grudgingly. He blesses even more those who have little, and give little, but give with great joy. So, if...
This is Rosmitha... You may remember her story from one of our TV programs. She was the little girl who worked so hard carrying water long distances from the riverbed. She gathered sticks on her head to use for a fire, and she walked barefoot through the thorn trees and cut her feet on the...
“And they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions.” Daniel 6:16 – (Daniel responds from inside the den of lions to the king who had his servants throw him into the den of lions.) Daniel 6:22 “My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not...
We distribute food to many places in Haiti, but one of the toughest places is Peyi Pouri. It sits on the "tip-top" of a high mountain with bad winding roads and no guardrails. There are always thieves on these roads that wait to steal food from the poor and sell it. Some pastors, like Pastor Souffrance,...
Today we would like to give a special "thank you" to our dear friend, David George. David George, who is also on our board of directors of Love A Child, left Haiti last week, after his 60th trip to here. David is known everywhere he goes in Haiti for "candy!" He loves children! Sherry and...
"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3 — You have not even begun to know or see or understand the great things that the Lord has in store for you!!! Have a blessed Sunday! Bobby and Sherry
Here are some pictures from Bobby and Mark Ostrander’s visit to the village of Fond Michelle to see Sister Adeline and her orphan children yesterday. Bobby and Pastor Mark traveled to Fond Michelle to check out the land for the building of a new orphanage for Sister Adeline and her children. This was a miracle...