This is Roberto. He is nine-years-old. He was brought to our Mobile Medical Clinic in the village of Sapaterre, Haiti. This is the village where they make so many of the "dirt cookies" that you have heard about. Almost one month prior to our Mobile Medical Clinic, Roberto was playing with another child and each...
Today David George's Christmas team worked so hard in our Malnutrition Center. They weighed and measured babies and helped in so many areas! These young ladies Brittany, Kaity and Tina were such a blessing. We are so proud of our Malnutrition Center. This is possible because of the support of Joyce Meyer Ministries—Hand of Hope,...
We are so thankful to have David and Angie George, Kaity, Brittany and Tina here as the Christmas team. They just left our Love A Child Malnutrition Center. Brittany told me her life has been changed forever and now she knows she will have a medical career. She is 19-years-old. David and Angie have been such a...
“For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” James 4:14 – Life is so short that we must make every day count for the Lord. “Only what is done for Christ will last.” (Missionary C.T. Studd) Bobby
Our Mobile Medical Clinics are a life-saving event for most of the people in the “Regions Beyond.” Mothers and fathers in Haiti often come to our Mobile Medical Clinics desperate to save their child’s life. When these precious babies come to us, we do everything that we can to get them the help they need...
Just look at these babies who live in mud huts in the village of Letant! What a difference Child Sponsorship makes! Today, we took David and Angie George, Tina, Brittany and Kaity to their village to give candy and toys to the children. They were so well-behaved and polite!!! Thank you David and your partners...
"And Jesus stood still…" Mark 10:49 – These are four short, powerful words, and to me probably four of the greatest words in any scripture. Here we see blind Bartimaeus trying to get the attention of Jesus, but the Bible says a "great number" of people (probably thousands) were all around Jesus talking, yelling, and...
Today, David and Angie George along with their team had a great time with the children of Haiti. They visited several schools, and then had hours of fun with our children. (Do you remember sack races when you were a kid?) Tonight, they are doing crafts. Tomorrow and the next day, they will be taking...
This is a message from David George who is with us in Madamn Bauje: This morning we were in the village of Madamn Bauje. This is where we built our first Love A Child church and school. They didn't have fresh water and we dug three wells and they all came up dry. So, we...
We have a friend, Calvin, who has helped us tremendously through the years. He is on the Board of Directors of the Miami Baptist Hospital and we just love him to pieces! He always ends every email with Luke 12:48 "…to whom much is given, from him much will be required." This scripture must be...