“And He said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 — Be a witness today to your next door neighbor and your friends. He may send you into the entire world next! Have a blessed Saturday! Bobby and Sherry
Northwest Haiti is one of the poorest areas in all of Haiti. The area is dry, barren and few crops can grow there. We are helping to feed these little children in this poor area through one of our partners here in Haiti, Pastor Harry. It is wonderful to partner together to feed these hungry...
God bless our friends at "Bousol Timoun" who care for these sweet babies! They are just one of the missionary organizations that we share our food with each month. Love A Child uses two 40-foot containers of donated food to share with all the missionaries each month. Our friends and partners, like you, sponsor the...
“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is my salvation.” Isaiah 12:2 – Today, we trust in the Lord and we will not be afraid! If God is for us, then who can be against us? Have a...
Children in Haiti live a hard life. They suffer more than any prisoner on "death row." They are innocent children who just happened to be born in Haiti. Every day is full of hard work with the hope that they "might have one handful of something good to eat that day." Make sure you read...
This little Haitian boy named Claudner was almost four when he began suffering from Kwashiorkor, Diarrhea, and Pneumonia. He was brought to our friends at the Real Hope for Haiti Clinic, and they cared for him. They had to take four pounds of water from his body. His mom had traveled six hours on foot...
"And the Lord said unto Moses, What is that in thy hand? And he said, A rod. And the Lord said, Throw it on the ground." Exodus 4:2-3 We cannot run from the "calling of God" simply because we think we have no education, we cannot talk eloquently, or that we are not equipped. Moses could...
We visit many poor villages around Haiti, and in each village, we see children working all day alongside their parents or alone. There are so many children that are living in such appalling poverty it breaks my heart. Living here in Haiti, we have grown to love the children even more. We can’t do everything,...
This is our sweetie Miliana. When we found her in a poor village, she had oozing sores all over her body. Today, she still has some sores on her legs, arms, and feet. She has been seeing a great Dermatologist in the States. While she is undergoing treatment, she is "going to school." Yes, I...
Shoes are one of our biggest needs for children here in Haiti because all the children need "black shoes" for school. These are hard to find because kids in the States don’t wear "black dress shoes" to school! We are so thankful to the "Evangelical Presbyterian Church" for their donation, and a special thanks to Scott...