Everyone has been asking about Baby Elijah. He is the child who was abandoned in the bushes in front of our Love A Child gate over a year ago. He has had major problems. He was diagnosed with blindness, deafness, seizures, as well as a hydrocephalic head. He was brought to the States by the...
When the Lord sent the Prophet Samuel to the house of Jesse to anoint one of his sons as the future king, seven sons of Jesse passed before Samuel and were not anointed. They were all warriors, and they were all good looking and strong men. Samuel thought that each one would make a good...
Look at these sweet children eating "big plates of food!" The “Association of Ladies" is caring for them here in Fond Parisien. They began taking care of and feeding these children who had lost their parents in the earthquake. Madam Noel is doing a great job! We thank our partners who sponsor this food to...
Urgent Need for Clothing: We realize that not many people in the U.S. wear "church clothes" anymore. Nowadays, most everyone is casually dressed. But here in Haiti, all Haitians want "nice dress clothes" for church such as black shoes for the men and boys, and dresses and dress shoes for the girls and ladies. Men...
Today and every day, many little children in Haiti like these, will be eating hot meals and hearing about God's love, because of you! We share our food with over eighty organizations and ministries that came to pick up their monthly food yesterday. This is only possible because of our partners who sponsor this food...
"For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” Psalm 84:10 — This was written by David, the shepherd boy, who would soon be chosen as King of Israel. He knew that one...
Getting any of our orphans who need specialized medical care to the States is always a challenge. We have been so blessed to find the right hospitals, doctors, and sponsors to help these children have a better life and improve their physical conditions. Read Sherry’s Journal today about two of our Love A Child children,...
Today we have 85 organizations coming to pick up their monthly food. About half are orphan homes. Our orphaned children are all helping load the food. Our girls are helping serve food. Today we are giving out 500,000 meals! Thank you Feed My Starving Children, Joyce Meyer Ministries—Hand of Hope, Jentezen Franklin and you, our partners....
Words of Jesus, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." Mark 9:23 — This was Jesus' answer to a father who told him that "his son was oftentimes thrown in the fire and into the water by an evil spirit." It "looked" impossible, but that is what Jesus specializes in,...
Don't miss "Sherry's Journal" that will be posting soon. You will see the wonderful changes in the lives of two of our children here at Love A Child. It is amazing what God can do. God has great plans for these children and their futures. God bless you, Bobby