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Latest Good News Coming Soon Today!

We all have been very busy here in Haiti. All the Haitians are working hard; we have several hundred employed. Usually, every Haitian who is paid feeds ten people… All the orphan children are doing well. They will keep you young or wear you out. Ha! Be looking later today[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Positive verses negative: “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24  This is the first day of the rest of your life. The Lord made this day just for us! Today, let’s be positive. Faith is positive, doubt is negative. If we pray and doubt, we[…]

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Stanley Would Make a Good Football Player!

Stanley came to us when he was about nine. He has been with us for fourteen years. He is “very big” for his age. Also, nearly all Haitian men grow beards when they are about 18! I still can’t figure out “why?” Ha! (Maybe the Haitian girls like beards???) Stanley[…]

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Seed Time and Harvest Time… Genesis 8:22

A seed excites me! This has been a spiritual and natural law since the beginning of time. When we plant a seed God gives a harvest!!! This is true for natural seeds and spiritual seeds. In “God’s Kingdom,” when we give our seed grows! This morning, I took these pictures[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“A Safe Place to Be” While we see and can feel the rumbling in the trees, we know that Bible prophecy is coming to pass. There are those who laugh and scoff at us, but this world is winding up! But we are God’s sheep and we do not fear.[…]

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Jonas… He Loves Mechanic Work!

Jonas was found during one of our Mobile Clinics in the mountains of Demesseau, Haiti. His mother died and his father abandoned him because he could not take care of him. He was “very sick,” for a long time, but with lots of love, he healed! He is twenty and[…]

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Malnutrition Clinic Report:

Good report! Meet little smiling Eviely! She has been in our Malnutrition Center Program, and it’s time to go home healthy. She doesn’t want to go home. Ha! She will steal your heart. One child just came in this morning with her mother, very malnourished. Her life will be saved.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God has a formula that works! “Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:38 “The liberal[…]

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A Bright Future for Bianca

When Bianca was told that her parents had died, it must have been horrible for her, and her siblings. We were asked to take her sister Ada, and her brother Raphael in. It was a big adjustment for her and her siblings. I remember her sitting on the floor beside[…]

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Another Victory Report!

Meet Philomène Dieujuste, a mother of four children. She is also responsible for her recently deceased sister’s two children. They all live in a stick mud hut… very poor. Under our new program, we put her into business for $150 and she is doing great! Since this picture a few days ago, she has expanded[…]

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