Today this wonderful playground, which was partially assembled in our Love A Child Food Distribution Center, is being installed at Heart for Haiti, a great ministry in Haiti. David Crank and his partners at Faith Church sponsored this playground. Our work team included a Love A Child volunteer Phil, Philemon, Tuff and others who will be doing the...
“Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.” Isaiah 48:10 – “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of...
"This is Bobby, Pastor Claude and myself standing on the Le Tramble orphanage and school grounds. By FAITH, we will build a beautiful church for the glory of God. It will be a church during the week where hundreds of school children will have chapel. It will have a platform where they can have Christian...
“For I was naked, and ye clothed me…” Matthew 25:36 – What a revelation of caring for the sick, feeding the hungry and clothing the naked. We are really doing this unto Jesus (Himself) when we care for the poor. Children like Jonel would never have a chance of having a full meal and dignity...
“But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” Luke 14:13 – We had some friends in Haiti who always had large parties for the rich, but never...
We welcome David George back to Haiti today, which makes this his 67th trip to Love A Child. We also welcome Mark and Jesse Ostrander. Mark has stopped counting after 385 trips, and his son Jesse has been here around 70 times! These guys are the heroes of the faith who defend and bless the...
We often receive donations of clothing, gifts and blankets from many of our donors and sponsors, and we are so grateful. So many of Haiti’s children do not have the opportunity to receive nice, clean, and new clothes as their families simply can not afford it. So when we receive boxes of blankets, clothes and...
We are so thankful for the precious toys and gifts for the poor ladies in the village of Old Le Tant. We have been working and bringing food each month to this "mud hut" village for many years. We even built a school and church through our friend David George and his partners. Recently, Jordanie...
We were blessed to have tarps donated for the poor families in the Truttier garbage dump. They were living in ripped and tattered tents and the heavy rains had washed many of the shelters away. We needed enough for 47 families who were in the worst condition, and couldn't find any at the store in Haiti....