The deforestation of Haiti has been the root of so much that is wrong in Haiti. Poverty is driven by the desperate search for fuel and any possible income that they can earn in a country that has ninety percent unemployment. Find out more about what Love A Child is doing to help reforest Haiti,...
“But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” 1 John 3:17 – We know a pastor of a large church who had his own plane, went on ski vacations all the time, and his...
These sweet children are eating a hot meal from food donated to Love A Child, and we want to thank our partners for sponsoring this food to come from the States all the way to Haiti. Sister Marie of the Cross picked up food for her orphanage and shared it with another orphanage that is...
Today we welcome Pastor Gregory Dickow and his team from Chicago Life Changers Church International. Services will begin at 6:00 PM, and tomorrow at 9:00 AM Pastor Dickow will begin a special pastor conference teaching them the Word. Pastors started arriving yesterday! The Haitians are hungry for the word of God. Bobby and Sherry
It's all about the “voice…” Psalms 23 - "The Lord is my Shepherd" is an amazing chapter. David was a shepherd for his father and spent years leading and caring for sheep. He took care of them, led them to cool waters and green grass, and even if one wandered off, he would find it....
Look at these cuties with their shoes and sundresses, and lots of food! We help our missionary friends here at Ruska Village Orphanage in Haiti, cared for by Barbara Walker and Mark Gilbert. The shoes came from our friend Shelly Perkins, who keeps us in clothes, and other donations. The cute sundresses came from A Labor of...
The spies came back and gave Moses an evil report. They said there were giants in the land and we look like grasshoppers in their sight! Joshua and Caleb could only see the promise of God. Caleb said, "Let us go up at once, possess it; for we are well able to overcome.“ Numbers 13:30 — Today,...
Jovanie had red hair with severe malnutrition when we first brought her into our orphanage at about the age of six. Now, here she is in Nursing College with one more year to go. "Thank you partners" for each life you have invested in! Great is your reward in Heaven! Bobby and Sherry
A major bridge in Haiti has been broken for some time causing all the traffic in the city areas to bottleneck and come to a halt! The recent heavy rains also added major traffic problems with vehicles "standing still" for hours upon hours. If it had taken you "one hour" before, then it will take "six hours"...
Jesus had a great multitude and had compassion on them. It was evening and the disciples said, “We have no food for the people. We only have five loaves of bread and two fishes.” Jesus looked up into heaven, prayed and blessed the bread and two little fishes. The disciples started passing the food out among the groups of...