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Our Jameson…

Jameson was brought to our Jesus Healing Center by his mother. She came by “Haitian boat” from the other side of Old Letant. He had very bad eye and skin infections, and he was in horrible pain. He is allergic to dust and other items, and he often has oozing[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The safest place to be…” We are living in the “beginning of the end.” Christians, good people, bad people, everyone… we are in the “beginning of the end.” Every Word that Jesus spoke will and must come to pass. I have determined that the “safest place to be” when these[…]

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An Early Christmas…

Today, our Haitian children got into the Christmas tree decorations, turned up the Christmas music, and had a ball! They decorated a month early for Christmas!! Ha! The reason they are so happy is that everyone will be together this year! Last year, four of our older college students and[…]

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Our Jonas…

Looking at Jonas, you would never know what a horrible life he came from! For those of you reading this for the first time, Jonas was a “restavek” slave. When Haitian children lose both parents, it is usually a horrifying experience. They will have to go to a relative, and[…]

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Here are a few more pictures from yesterday in the village of Port Ploume. Thank you for making a difference and bringing smiles to children who have very little. This morning we will be in a different village. Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“Thy will or my will?” Jesus prayed the most magnificent prayer in Matthew 6:10. It is called, “The Lord’s Prayer,” because He was not only teaching His disciples how to pray, but the “multitudes” and us. In this day and time that we are living in, many people, especially Christians,[…]

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Blessings Come to the Poor

Miracles of beans, rice, cooking oil, and “new clothing” came to the poor who live in the villages of “Po Plume” and “Po Glase,” Haiti! It was tough getting nearly three and a half tons of food loaded into Haitian boats and across the lake! Many of these Haitian families[…]

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Across the Lake…

We just left with our boat and another boat loaded down with rice, beans, cooking oil, and clothing. The poor in the villages of Po Plume and Po Glase are so extremely hungry. They have been praying for food, and because of your wonderful heart, God has heard their prayers![…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Thus saith the Lord, Be not afraid of the words which thou hast heard…” 2 Kings 19:6 What a story of deliverance. The King of Assyria has been threatening King Hezekiah, king of Judah. The threats are so severe that fear comes to King Hezekiah. He resents his clothes, covers[…]

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