“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17 – God pays better than any investment dividends, banks or stocks. All these investments are wise, but investing by giving to the poor, we can’t lose! Bobby
Boy blowing up condom – 01-28-16
An older Love A Child donor calls our office from time to time and asks why we don’t distribute condoms. We just wanted him to be comforted by telling him that the “government of Haiti” distributes them and they are being used! I took these pictures during one of our food distributions today! Sherry
Child sponsorship – 01-28-26
Child Sponsorship is one of our most important outreaches. It’s hard to believe that many of these cuties go home to mud huts and some worse than that. This is by far the best way to feed and clothe children. Again, thank you Pastor Caddell for the new clothes! Special thanks to Jesse for making this possible and thanks also to our Child Sponsors for changing lives! Bobby and Sherry
Food and clothing to several village: 1-28-16 11:15 AM
Today, both in the morning and afternoon, Philemon and other Love A Child staff members are distributing food to several villages. Today at noon, Sherry and I, along with Kaeli, Carlos and the Balsbaugh family will be distributing new clothes throughout Miracle Village. Sorry, but I can’t mention the name of all the villages for security reasons. There is 85 percent unemployment in Haiti! There is also a food crisis going on throughout Haiti. Bobby
Word from the Mission Field – 01-28-16
“Whom have I in heaven but thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.” Psalm 73:25 – All our hope is in the Lord. Who can we depend on more than Him? Today, place your faith and hope in Him. He will carry you through this situation! In Him, Bobby and Sherry
Read Sherry’s Journal – 01-27-16
It’s hard to believe that just “one hour and forty-five minutes” by plane from Miami, our little neighbor children in Haiti are eating things made of dirt and mud. These are called, “bon bon tè,” or mud cookies. It is heart wrenching. Sherry
Food and Clothing Distributions – 01-27-16
Haiti is in a food crisis. We have never seen things so bad here in all the 23 years that we have been living in Haiti. Children are eating from garbage dumps, eating cookies made from dirt, and even being “sold” so parents can feed their other children! Today and all day tomorrow, we are doing food and clothing distributions in six different villages. We pray that you can “hear the cry of the poor” today. Please call our office at 239-210-6107 and let a staff member know that you want to help. Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 01-27-16
“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Proverbs 19:17 – To me, that’s amazing that we could ever possibly “lend” anything to the God of this universe…the one who created us. When we give to the poor, we are “lending it to the Lord for safekeeping.” But, He pays us back with interest! You can’t beat God giving, no matter how hard you try! Have a good day, and when you have a chance, “lend some money to the Lord” by giving to the poor! Sherry
Sharing food and clothes – 01-26-16
Today, our workers took the back roads and distributed food to the village of Nacou and blessed many people! After that, we gave away clothing to lots of local church ladies and school children! Again, we thank Praise Cathedral of Melbourne, Florida and Jesse Ostrander for all of his hard work to make this happen! We love you partners! Bobby and Sherry
Distributing new clothes to the needy: 1-26-16 1:45 PM
Today at 3:00 PM, we will be distributing new clothes to needy families in Fond Parisien. Love is something you do! Bobby and Sherry