Thank you Pastor Randy Landis of Life Church for sponsoring the toys and delicious meals in the bateyes (sugarcane camps in the Dominican Republic). Carlos worked so hard putting this together along with our Love A Child staff. I just had to post something, again! The hot meals and the way they were being served to the poor children and their parents touched our hearts! It brought tears to my eyes. “Love is Something You Do!” Bobby
Word from the Mission Field – 12-21-15
“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Hebrews 12:14-15 (NIV) – Ouch! This scripture can be a sensitive area for a lot of us. Sometimes we allow bitterness to creep in because of what someone has said or has done to us. It seems justified. But God is clear here, if we want peace in our lives, we must forgive and make every effort to live in peace with others. Let’s all forgive each other today. God bless you. Sherry
Christmas Gift Giveaway: 12-20-2015 6:30 PM
Villy, who works with Metro Management, organized a wonderful toy giveaway yesterday morning at Gwo Maché Mirak (Grand Miracle Market). Poor children from the border and all the surrounding areas came and waited so patiently. A group of nurses came with all of the hundreds of toys! We lost count on how many people and children came. To see these children, who for many it was the first time in their lives to receive a gift or a toy, was unbelievable! Love is something you do!!!! Bobby and Sherry
Christmas in the Batey: 12-20-2015 1:00 PM
Yesterday, Pastor Randy Landis of Life Church, Carlos Silvestre and our Love A Child staff were in the Dominican Republic at Batey 19 giving out food and gifts! They shared the love of Christ. Thank you Pastor Randy Landis of Life Church for sponsoring this wonderful event of love! Thank you for your compassion. Love is something you do! Bobby and Sherry
Word from the Mission Field: 12-20-2015 6:30 AM
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:7-8 (NIV) — There is a secular pop song that was written some years back called, “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” Well I’m here to tell you “Love” has everything to do with it. God is love! And if we say that we are His followers and know Him, then we must love one another. Walk in love today and have a blessed Sunday! Sherry
Christmas Party at LAC Orphanage: 12-19-2015 6:00 PM
Last evening David and Angie George, Kaity and Kaeli had a huge Christmas gift party for our children at our Love A Child Orphanage. Wow, what a party and lots of happy kids. Sherry and I were at Jonise’s wedding. Thank you David and Angie for being our partners and bringing such joy to our children. Below is a message from David George about the Christmas party at the orphanage. Bobby and Sherry
From David George:
“What an awesome Christmas party we had this evening with the Love A Child children and staff. We gave gifts to all the children and took their pictures and they decorated their own frames. Angie, Kaity, Carlos, Kaeli, and Julanne had packed all of the bags with presents in them for each child. We also took pictures of many of the staff and blessed them all with a financial gift to help them at Christmas!!! Our hearts are full tonight of joy of what we have experienced here at Love A Child. Bobby and Sherry, we love you both so much and we are so blessed to be connected to you and Love A Child!!!”
Jonise’s Wedding: 12-19-2016 11:00 AM
Last evening, Jonise Limose, one of our Love A Child children, got married! You can see her sister Julanne wearing a beautiful white gown that was donated by our friend Marie. Jonise was the bride and Julanne was the “Queen.” In Haiti, a bride can choose a sister or close friend for the Queen; she dresses like the bride, but no veil. This little girl would have died from malnutrition, but look what you’ve done, partners! Thank you and God bless you, Bobby and Sherry
Word from the Mission Field: 12-19-2015 6:00 AM
“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35 — There are less missionaries on the field today, than ever before. Very few people want to “make the sacrifice” it takes to do this type of work. Are you praying daily that the Lord would “send forth laborers into His harvest?” We are all called to be “goers or senders.” God bless you. Sherry
Update from Haiti – 12-18-15
Two big things happened this evening. Our Haitian daughter Jonise got married at 5:30 PM. She and her three siblings were the first ones that we took in as our family. (We will have pictures tomorrow.) She was beautiful! Wait until you see her in her wedding dress. David and Angie George, Kaity, and Kaeli had a huge Christmas party that started at 6:30 PM for all the children living in our orphanage. Christ was the center of the party. All the children had such a great time! We came walking in just as it was ending. God bless David and Angie George for all their love. Thank you! Bobby and Sherry
David George et al celebrate Christmas: 12-18-2015 8:30 AM
Our friend and partner David George had a Christmas party and shared gifts at Pastor Claude’s orphanage yesterday. Here is a message from David George:
“Wow!!!! What an incredible time Angie, Kaity, Carlos, Kaeli, Bobby, Pastor Mark, and myself had today at Pastor Claude’s orphanage and school with the children. We gave out soccer balls to all the boys, toys to all the girls, and Christmas ornaments they painted themselves. Then we took pictures of each one of them as well as all the workers and printed them off and glued them on foam ornaments that they got to keep of themselves. They went crazy over their pictures. Then before we left Angie and I gave every one of them $5.00 as well as all the workers and staff. FRIENDS, IT WAS OFF THE CHAIN TODAY!!! Oh how we love these precious children!!! I got to share with all of them a Christmas message and how blessed these children are to live in a brand new orphanage with nice bathrooms and sleep in nice comfortable beds and go to a beautiful Christian school. They all shouted and praised the Lord. What a glorious day!!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!”