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Ladies Choir at our LAC Fond Parisien church: 9-13-2015 7:00 PM

Our Love A Child Church in Fond Parisien is an all-faith church, and was started in a brush arbor with only about ten people. Now it has grown so much! You will enjoy this short video of the “ladies choir” with their Caribbean rhythm. Haitians do a lot of dance and hand movements when they sing! We[…]

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Movie for the youth of DR: 9-13-2015 12:00 PM

Yesterday evening in the Dominican Republic village of La Romana, Carlos showed a Christian movie for the youth living there. Many were touched and came to the Lord. We also gave out gifts and had popcorn. Thank you Pastor Randy Landis and Life Church for sponsoring this youth event. Love is something you do!![…]

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Word from the Mission Field: 9-13-2015 6:00 AM

“It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.” Lamentations 3:22-24 — Forget about how you may have messed up[…]

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Good Fried Chicken: 9-12-2015 2:00 PM

There’s nothing like good fried chicken! Our little Haitian children had a nice lunch with dirty rice, sauce Pwa and fried chicken. Joel and Yvonne Trimble were visiting us today! Joel had to go down to the kids’ kitchen to sample the fried chicken and all the other Haitian food! God bless you[…]

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Word from the Mission Field – 09-12-15

“I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” Psalm 84:10 – It amazes me when I hear someone say they cannot find a “volunteer” to help take care of the church by cleaning, cutting the grass or other[…]

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Julanne – 09-11-15

I know you remember sweet Julanne. She was one of our first orphans. Her father was dead, and her mother was very sick and lying on a woven mat on a dirt floor in a mud hut. She took my hand and said, “Madamn Sherry, I am going to die,[…]

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Children in Haiti LOVE school: 9-11-2015 1:00 PM

School is now in session all over Haiti. Children who live far in the mountains (if they are fortunate enough) must walk many miles to go to school. Only a very small percentage of all poor mountain children are able to go to school. A high percentage of children living[…]

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Word from the Mission Field – 09-11-15

“O Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee? Or to thy faithfulness round about thee?” Psalm 89:8 – You may be facing some seemingly strong adversaries in this world. But our God is way stronger than anything this world can produce. Let His faithfulness surround[…]

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Feeding the Hungry: 9-10-2015 6:00 PM

Our burden is feeding hungry children and saving lives, but we can’t do this by ourselves. We have wonderful missionary friends who partner with us, like Chuck Martindale from the Northwest area of Haiti. You can see in their faces how happy these children are when they are getting “food” along with their[…]

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