Happy early Thanksgiving! If you want “turkey” for Thanksgiving, you gotta catch ’em! (See video) From all of us here in Haiti at Love A Child, have an early “Happy Thanksgiving!” Bobby, Sherry and the Staff
Food Distribution: 10-31-2015 12:00 PM
We had 73 organizations (mostly orphanages) come out today to pick up their monthly supply of food. Thank you partners, thank you Feed My Starving Children, and thank you Pastor Jentezen Franklin for the financial support to build a food warehouse that is as long as a football field! Thank you Jesus! “Love is something you do!” Bobby and Sherry
P.S. The girls preparing the food are our girls. We serve snacks and fellowship!
Donated purses: 10-31-2015 11:30 AM
God bless our friend and partner, Sue North, for the wonderful ladies’ “purses!” There are three things Haitian ladies love – a wig, a chain (inexpensive jewelry), and a purse! These ladies work at an orphanage that we help support and they were so excited! Thank you and God bless you, Sue and Joseph! Love, Sherry
Donated T-shirts: 10-31-2015 10 AM
We received these wonderful tee shirts with the cross sewn on them that were donated by Ashley Aitkins, one of our partners. We took them to an orphanage that we love, and we shared them with the boys! They were all ecstatic!! Thank you so much Ashley! Bless you, Sherry
Word from the Mission Field: 10-31-2015 6:00 AM
When Sherry and I got up at 4:00 AM this morning, I had this thought from the Lord burning within my heart to share with you. “Don’t settle for less when you can have God’s best!” Listen my friend; the best is yet to come! Bobby
Tee Shirt Distribution – 10-30-15
We wish to thank Joseph D’Amico for the donation of Marlins Tee Shirts for children, young men and workers here at Love A Child. Our older boys are “growing up!” (From left to right: Jean Gardy, Georges, Jean Edwouard, Stanley, and Dieubon) Here are some of our workers at the Food Distribution Center. This is Breezy and Tuff! Tuff was the first child we sponsored when we moved to Haiti. Thank you, Joseph, for the wonderful shirts! Everyone loves them! Bobby and Sherry
Shalken visits DR in US: 10-30-2015 9:30 AM
Shalken, the little boy with severe tumors, has arrived safely at the home of his wonderful host, Beth Nolan and her family. Already, it looks like Shalken is part of the Nolan Family and has smiles “ear to ear.” He was taken to the dermatologist to begin his examination and tests. (More information on this will be coming later.) We are thankful to the Nolan family, a wonderful and loving host family, for Shalken’s care. We are also thankful to Barbara MacMannis, our Medical Director, who accompanied him on this trip, and also to our Love A Child partners for making this trip possible! God bless you, Bobby & Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 10-30-15
“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” Psalms 27:14 – I don’t know about you, but I don’t like waiting. It’s like when I was a child, and my mother would be baking a batch of cookies. Oh, they smelled so good. But I had to wait. Then once out of the oven, they had to cool off…I had to wait even longer. But the time finally came when they were ready to eat…ah, they were so good and well worth the wait. And so it is with the Lord’s blessings, be patient and wait, it’s so worth it! Sherry
Baby Elijah Update – 10-29-15
You may remember Baby Elijah who was left to die under some bushes at our Love A Child gate over a year ago. His mother didn’t want him because he had major health problems. He was flown to the States for medical treatment that was sponsored by the Hotes Foundation. He was placed with the best host family possible. He is staying with Richard and Lisa Hoye and their family. He is doing fairly well with his vision and hearing, and undergoes physical therapy, occupational therapy, vision therapy, osteopathic therapy, and early intervention therapy. Special thanks to the team at the Hotes Foundation, this wonderful host family, and to our “amazing God!” Watch one of two short videos. Sherry
Photos of Baby Elijah coming soon: 10-29-2015 2:45 PM
New pictures and a video of Baby Elijah will be coming up later today! You will not believe it! Baby Elijah is too cute and he is indeed a miracle baby! Sherry